GFS Lunge Training System

Coming soon
outlining effective way to work your horse correctly whilst lunging, stretching muscles and building correct top line. It is suitable for all disciplines.
Please read through and follow these instructions carefully before fitting or using your Pessoa type training aid .
To use the system you will need:
Rein Training roller with low, large rings or dees Bridle Lunge rein and whip.
I would also strongly suggest that you provide an enclosed area to lunge in and that your horse wears boots all round, and the handler weàrs gloves and protective helmet.
Your Pessoa system will fit ponies from 12.2hh to very large 17hh hunter / warmblood types as it is very adjustable with sliding fittings. 
Fit training roller and bridle as usual for lunging Start to fit the Pessoa by placing the furry sleeve under the tail and attach the first trigger clip to the top ring of the roller. The sleeve needs to be firm around the quarters and well clear of the hocks. Use the figure 8 sliders on both sides to pull the rein taut. You will be left with 2 longer reins on each side. Pass these through the low roller rings on each side of the horse. Identify the next clip to use. It has a small pulley attachment. This clips to the bit. Face the clip outwards to avoid any possibility of your horse catching his lip.
Position One 
For initial training. Encourages the horse to stretch down into the contact. Builds flexibility. Attach triggers between front legs to roller
Position Two
Mid position for novice horse. Encourages lift and continues to stretch top line. Attach triggers to roller BELOW rein
Position Three 
High position for experienced horse. Encourages even more front lift and positions hocks well underneath horse. Builds strength for collected movements. Attach triggers ABOVE rein
Position Four 
Dressage position. Suitable only for advanced horses. Encourages a high degree of lift and collection. Also suitable for work in hand. Attach triggers to TOP of roller
The last clip is attached in the positions illustrated, depending on your horse’s level of training. If this is the first time you have used a Pessoa, I would suggest that you start in ‘position 1’ and clip the last trigger between the horse’s legs to the girth. Once in place, adjust the sliders to take up any slack in the reins.
Remember to adjust evenly both sides! Attach the lunge rein by passing it through the inside bit ring, over the horse’s poll and clipping to the outside ring. When you start lunging, allow the horse to go forward well into the rein and work the lunge line to ask for softness, as you would with a ridden rein. The horse will quickly understand what is required. After a few minutes, readjust the reins to ensure they come into play when the horse raises his head above the desired position. They should not be under tension all the time, nor should they hang in loops! As a final note, it is infinitely preferable to have the rein a little too tight for a few minutes than to risk a tangled up horse, so err on the tighter side and release if necessary. If you are unsure about any aspect of working your horse on the lunge, please ask your instructor or an experienced person to help you get started.